Monday, November 17, 2014

Fundraising Initiative for the Graduating Senior Award and Ritual Improvement Scholarship

HAPPY NOVEMBER 15th Alumni!!!

I pleased to announce our fundraising initiatives! As you all know, the Midwest District Alumni Association charges no membership fee, but we still wish to provide support to our Active Members. This next year at convention we plan to still offer our Life Membership Scholarships: two scholarships in total to help cover the cost of Life Membership for one graduating Kappa Kappa Psi and one Tau Beta Sigma member. 

In addition, this year we are offing a new award, our Ritual Improvement Scholarship. This scholarship will be one $100 check to a Midwest District Chapter that will provide them the funds to improve their ritual materials. We have already received an alumni donation to fund this scholarship this year. We hope to continue to support this award in the future.

In order to fund these scholarships, we plan to sell T-Shirts. T-shirts will be on sale until December 16th, so please consider supporting the Midwest District! T-shirts can be purchased through our Booster site. We need to sell 10 shirts before order will be printed. Also, additional donations can be made through the Booster site. T-shirts will be shipped directly to you. The link is provided below. .

I hope all is well and you all have a fantastic holiday season.

AEA and ITB,

Your MWDAA 2014-2015 Officers