Monday, April 28, 2014

VPSP Introduction - Neil Siemers

Hey, everybody!  Neil here, your wonderful Vice President of Special Projects, and I’d like to take this opportunity to discuss some of my plans for the upcoming year.  They are merely plans, after all, so I’m open and receptive to any feedback you might have.  Of course, as I hold my power with dictatorial authority, your suggestions pale in comparison to any slight whim I might have, enacting even the most trivial of ideas with ruthless… err…I mean, I was elected through a democratic process, and therefore I have an obligation to the ideas of those who saw fit to elect me.  *cough*  At any rate.

The first thing I plan to accomplish is a revision of the Graduation Senior Award Packet.  It’s currently set up as a list of questions, which means most of our submissions write lengthy paragraphs for each individual question, resulting in a lot of pages.  Which isn’t a terrible thing, until you consider how many of the questions are redundant.  It’s hard to talk about high musical attainment without mentioning responsible band membership, and I can’t think of any way to promote the existence and welfare of KKY or TBS that doesn’t also involve being active in its worthwhile projects.  And yet, with the current application, these are all separate questions.  Mind you, they’re all valid points, but that doesn’t mean they need to be separate questions.  Myself, I’d rather make the applicants write a one page essay discussing why they deserve the award, hitting on as many points as possible.  Maybe two pages, if I’m feeling generous.  It won’t cut down on the amount of purple prose we receive, but at least we can kick the redundancy down a few notches.
My next plan involves taking the role of Historian, and making it into more of a group effort.  Nic has already talked about having a Picasa album for district events.  Ideally, everyone is equally involved in taking photos, and making sure they all get uploaded for the world to view.  I like physical scrapbooks as much as the next person, but when your organization spans ten states, it’s really not practical to have a scrapbook that you can only look at if you happen to living in the right area.
From there… well, that’s all I have at the moment.  Traditionally, those are the two main things that a VPSP has been expected to focus on.  Rest assured, the council and I are debating several other ideas; you’ll get to hear about those at a later date, once they’ve become more concrete.  Until then, there’s an entire comments section just waiting for your thoughts and opinions!

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